China Achieves Over 26% Decarbonized Energy in Its Total Consumption

On August 29, 2024, Gaz d’aujourd’hui reported that China has reached a significant milestone in its energy transition, with over 26% of its total energy consumption now coming from decarbonized sources, including renewables and nuclear energy. This progress aligns with the country’s efforts to stabilize or reduce emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by […]

30% of Global Electricity Production from Renewables in 2023

On May 14, 2024, Renouvelle published an article titled “30% of Global Electricity Production from Renewables in 2023,” highlighting a significant milestone in the global energy transition. According to the EMBER think tank report, more than 30% of global electricity production in 2023 came from renewable sources, driven primarily by the growth in wind and

AI Enhancing Forecasting of Electricity Production and Consumption

On November 13, 2024, Le Devoir published an article titled “AI Enhancing Forecasting of Electricity Production and Consumption,” exploring the growing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the energy sector. The article highlights that AI has become an essential tool for anticipating fluctuations in electricity production and consumption, particularly due to the rise of renewable

Canada’s Green Bond Program: Mobilizing Capital for Climate and Environmental Goals

Since March 2022, the Government of Canada has been issuing green bonds to mobilize capital in support of its climate and environmental goals. Recognizing the crucial role of sustainable finance in the transition to a cleaner economy, Canada aims to meet its 2030 emission reduction targets and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In March 2022,

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